In 2009, after a rapid progression to Director of an Accounting Firm just three years after graduating, Peter Missen, now a Registered Tax Agent and a member of the IPA, then founded Fintax and has been successfully servicing small to medium sized businesses across Australia ever since. Based in Melbourne, the technology and systems he has developed makes geographical location irrelevant and he currently services clients as far and wide as Brisbane and Perth.

Peter is results and opportunity driven while remaining incredibly down to earth and approachable and has built long lasting relationships with his clients. Motivated by his desire to help people, what Peter does best is address the confusion and frustration his clients are currently experiencing. He is frequently streamlining, refining and innovating his processes in order to simplify what can be a confusing and complex arena for many people. This creates the time, space and freedom to plan more valuable endeavours with his clients. It is these same systems that also allow Peter and his team a capacity for a high volume of work while ensuring no delays.

Pete - Office

Peter finds it particularly rewarding to take his customers on a smooth and effortless journey of putting solid structures in place that allow them to be the best they can be within their business, without being weighed down by the burdens of managing taxes, BAS statements and bookkeeping.
His proactive approach allows his clients to operate in current time frames without the usual 6-18 month lag time experienced at other firms. This means Pete and his clients have plenty of time for planning and can be looking to the future for opportunities. With a background in financial planning, Peter is able to see things from a broader perspective and this enables him to have discussions with his customers that other accountants cannot. He works with a team of external professionals including financial planners, lawyers and general insurance brokers to provide his customers with the best specialised advice and support at all times. When this happens, Peter can become more of a CFO for the customer and not just their accountant which creates an opportunity to add much more value to their business in total and also provide them with the knowledge and reassurance that these other areas are taken care of as well.


How long will it take to get my tax back?

It normally takes 1 – 2 weeks to get your tax back once lodged

How much does a tax return cost?

Prices start from $220, but the way we calculate our charges is by time, that with our knowledge is what we sell – we quote all works prior to starting – contact us for a quote

Contact Us

  • Email
  • Phone
    03 9867 1150
  • Address
    Suite 160
    1 Queens Rd
    MELBOURNE, VIC, 3004

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation